Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Power of an Agile Mindset with Linda Rising

What is your mindset?  Do you believe you have innate limitations that will keep you from being a world class software architect, working as part of a world class organization?  Or do you simply need to work harder and not give up? What about your organization, is it that they lack bright people with the talent required, or could that same set of people rise to the occasion and deliver top notch results?

In this episode,  Linda Rising  shares how having an Agile Mindset can have a significant impact. To learn more about this, listen to this episode. Before you listen, you may want to reference Linda's "Power of the Agile Mindset" slides.

Linda Rising is an independent consultant who lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She has authored four books and numerous articles and is an internationally known presenter on topics related to patterns, retrospectives, influence strategies, agile development, and the change process.

With a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in the field of object-based design metrics, Linda's background includes university teaching and software development in a number of different domains.

Linda's book: Fearless Change.
Linda also mentioned a Harvard Business Review article entitled, "Pygmalion - Livingston in HBR".

Carol Dweck's book that Linda mentioned: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Listen now: (download)

Bett's reading recommendation:
The IT Measurement Inversion

Russ' reading recommendation:
Introducing Event Sourcing

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